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Thermage CPT

Face lifting, reduce sagging skin and improve skin texture

with US technology that has been used amongst Hollywood movie stars.

Case Review - Thermage - Tiara Clinic Lat Krabang  Bangkok


Thermage CPT is a face lifting technology using radio waves that was invented in the United States. It has been accepted worldwide by leading dermatologists and has been used by many Hollywood stars. It has been certified in all America (US FDA), Europe (CE), Korea (KFDA) and Thailand (Thai FDA).

How is Thermage CPT better than a Baby Facelift?

Thermage CPT gives the same result as baby facelift without having to go through surgery. This reduces the risk of anesthesia allergy and other complications that might occur from surgery. Thermage also helps improving skin texture to look smoother and firmer. After Thermage CPT session, you can live your life normally without needing recovery period.

Thermage CPT Procedure

Thermage CPT works by sending radio frequency through facial skin to generate heat that will cause collagen fibers to become tighter. During the energy transmission, patients may feel the warmth as the heat goes down to stimulate collagen fibers in the dermis layer and subcutaneous fatty tissue. As a result, the face looks firmer and the skin looks fuller, just like doing baby facelift together with dermal filler.

How does Thermage work - Tiara Clinic Bangkok, Lat Krabang.jpg

What will you feel while doing Thermage CPT?

As the energy is transmitted, you will feel a heat build up in your skin, then a cooling sensation will be replaced. The hot sensation indicates that the collagen is heated to a level that gives the skin a lift, while protecting the upper skin from heat by cooling it before, during and after its release. Each time the energy is transmitted, the patient should feel a tolerable level of heat. for maximum treatment results The doctor will ask about the level of heat sensation during the treatment.

Results from Thermage CPT treatment

After treatment with Thermage CPT, collagen is firmer. The results ranges from slight to very noticeable immediately after the treatment, then it will gradually improve within 6 months as the collagen regenerates. The results after treatment will be that the skin is lifted and smoothen, the jawbone is tightened, less finelines around mouth and forehead area, and the sagging skin under the chin and neck is more lifted. The results may last for years depending on the skin structure and age of the individual. Results from treatments may vary depending on your age and skin condition.

Review Before and After - Thermage - Tiara Clinic Bangkok, Lat Krabang.jpg

Side Effects of Thermage CPT 

After treatment with Thermage CPT, you can immediately do normal activities, such as makeup and exercise. Some people may experience a slight reddening of the skin that will heal within a few days. The most common side effects are redness, swelling, and bruising on the skin, and very rare cases of uneven skin texture.

Diffences between Thermage CPT and HIFU?

Thermage CPT and HIFU yileds different results and are suitable for different facial conditions.


Thermage CPT sends energy in large area and is best for those with facial fats. Furthermore, Thermage CPT helps improving skin texture and tightness as well.


HIFU sends energy in small dots to SMAS skin level and is best for those who do not have much facial fats and focus only on lifting.. 


Therefore, for the best complete result, it is recommmended to do both  Thermage CPT and HIFU.

Differences between Thermage and HIFU - Tiara Clinic Bangkok, Lat Krabang.jpg

How many shots are needed for Thermage CPT?

The number of shots needed for Thermage CPT depends on skin condition and sagginess of the skin. For those under 35 years old or do not have much sagging skin or facial fats, usually 600 shots are recommended. For those above 35 years old or having sagging skin or lots of facial fats, 1,200 shots are recommended.

How much does Thermage CPT cost?

Prices of Thermage CPT at Tiara Clinic 

600 shots at 43,990 THB

1,200 shots at 69,990 THB

(You can choose to take 1,200 shots by yourself or share with another person, but need to do at the same time.)

*Advanced booking required.

Thermage - Tiara Clinic Bangkok, Lat Krabang

Why should you get Thermage CPT at Tiara Clinic?

At Tiara Clinic

​- Our Thermage CPT machine is imported from the United States. -​

- Operated by certified doctors -

- Your safety is your priority -

Thermage CPT ที่เทียร่าคลินิก

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  • Tiara Clinic เทียร่าคลินิก คลินิกความงาม ลาดกระบัง
  • Tiara Clinic เทียร่าคลินิก คลินิกความงาม ลาดกระบัง

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